
What is VoIP? Get to know the new technologies for business

Economy and Simplicity

The quality of communication is a determining factor for the success of a company and its relationship with customers and other stakeholders. Among the technological solutions that aim to optimize this sector is the Voice over Internet Protocol, better known as VoIP.

But what is VoIP?

VoIP is a technology that allows a company to make calls from a computer, smartphone, tablet or other device connected to the internet.

This call can be routed to another device capable of receiving calls anywhere in the world. This solution is widely used by companies to streamline customer service.

Do you want to understand what it is, how it works and the advantages of implementing VoIP? Continue reading this post and learn more about this technology.

What is VoIP?

The construction of the term VoIP was carried out by combining the terms voice and IP and wanted to represent the system that allows telephone calls to be made over the Internet.

It is very likely that you have already heard about VoIP as a technology that did not work 100%, for which it was necessary to invest in the purchase of specific equipment and whose only advantage was its low cost.

This really happened when the system was launched in the 1990s, however, like so many things, VoIP changed and became an efficient system for communicating in a company.

The first change was the insertion of the VoIP system in devices that are already used by companies and their employees, such as smartphones and computers. No need to buy any other device.

VoIP installation companies use equipment that is already present in the offices and is already part of the employees’ daily lives.

How does the VoIP system work?

The first step to understand what VoIP is is to know how the system works. With the adoption of a system like this, a voice call is converted into data that is sent over the internet.

For those who receive the call, however, nothing changes. It’s like you’re using a traditional service. In short, the transmission can be made from one device connected to the internet to another or to a regular phone.

All this is done through common applications in the lives of almost everyone, including:


      • Skype;

      • Facebook Messenger;

      • WhatsApp.

    Among the main benefits of adopting VoIP in a company is the 90% cost reduction with calls.

    How is VoIP used?

    Now that you know what the VoIP system is and how it works, let’s talk about the most used means to make calls through the system.


        1. Computer and smartphone apps
          One of the simplest ways to use VoIP is through apps for computers and smartphones. For the system to work, just install applications that offer voice and video calls such as:


          • Google Meet;

          • Skype;

          • Facebook Messenger;

          • WhatsApp;

          • Viber;

          • Zoom;

          • Microsoft Teams, and others.

        In the case of the above tools, it is necessary that the user who will receive the call also have the application installed.

        Some apps like Skype and Zoom, for example, allow you to make calls to landline (landline) or mobile phones. However, it is a paid service and must be hired by companies that want to use the solution.


            1. Softphones
              Another way to use VoIP technology is through software called a softphone that is offered by telephone companies and service providers based on Voice over Internet Protocol.

          The software’s support point is a computer, notebook or tablet where the system is installed and allows you to make and receive calls over the internet, without the need for a telephone device.

          The software interface is the same as a conventional handset and the system even allows you to create a contact book, transfer calls between lines and more.

          Among the advantages of this VoIP solution we can mention the value of tariffs well below the conventional ones and the possibility of migrating a virtual number, if the company already has one.


              1. IP PHONE
                The IP phone can also be used in a VoIP framework. The device is identical to a regular telephone. The difference is in the type of connection which, instead of being over a usual telephone network, is made over the internet.

            The IP phone connectors are RJ45 type, which is the same as the computer’s network cards. Therefore, it is capable of transmitting data over the network and transforming it into voice, eliminating the need for a telephone line.

            Using the IP phone it is possible to save between 25% and 60% on communication costs.


                1. Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA)
                  As the name implies, the Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) is a part that can be attached to conventional telephones to use them as VoIP.

              The function of the ATA is to convert the analog signal from the telephone network into digital data that will be transmitted over the internet, allowing communication.

              Thus, if the company has a traditional infrastructure and does not want to lose its equipment, there is the possibility of adapting it to a more modern format.

              For this, it is also necessary to reinforce the company’s internet service, as it is the main one to take advantage of VoIP technology.


                  1. PBX on Cloud
                    Closing the list of possibilities on how to use VoIP, we have the PABX in the cloud, one of the most modern alternatives today.

                The cloud is a digital computing system that can be hired on demand to store data and create servers that support different types of digital operations such as VoIP.

                In this way, when using the PBX in the cloud to implement VoIP, it is not necessary to use hardware or include expenses with a maintenance service in the expenses.

                Cloud PABX can be installed in conventional infrastructures with the help of ATAs or to create a 100% digital system and with much lower costs for companies.

                Advantages of VoIP in a company

                The advantages of VoIP in the communication of a company are several. From cost reduction to security, check out some below:

                Cost reduction

                We have already briefly mentioned the power of VoIP in the process of how to reduce the cost of telephone calls in the company, but it is important to reinforce this benefit, since it is one of the main reasons for the adoption of the system in companies.

                By using the internet to make calls, you have more freedom for long-term contacts, without worrying about the final cost. In cases of prospecting calls, for example, this also reduces the cost per customer acquisition.


                When we talk about the internet, some people are afraid of hackers and wonder about data security. However, a VoIP call is encrypted, which reduces the chances of message interception by malicious people to almost zero.

                Integration with the PBX

                Do you know what PBX is? Ever heard of VoIP PBX? It is a system that allows the creation of several extensions, from one or more telephone lines (PABX) that is also connected to online VoIP devices.

                This system can also be called IP PBX or cloud PBX.

                In this way, it is possible for a call forwarded to a company extension to be activated on the employee’s mobile device, not requiring him to be in the office to answer it. This brings us to the next advantage of what VoIP is.


                With your extension always with you and calls being made through devices connected to the internet, the team has much more freedom to work in a home office system, without jeopardizing internal or external communication.

                In addition, field and sales teams can also manage other activities, even when they are away from the office.

                More team integration

                Another advantage of VoIP is to facilitate team integration, as transfers between support and customer service sectors are carried out more quickly through the system.

                In addition to digital communication channels (social media, SMS, email, apps, etc.), VoIP can also be integrated with other solutions such as CRM or ERP software.

                Complete communication

                In addition to being able to make phone calls, make transfers between areas, create extensions, among other features, VoIP systems also allow videoconferencing.

                This feature is very useful internally to hold remote meetings with customers, shortening distances, without losing quality in both voice and video calls.

                In this way, the company manages to save on the sales service format, allowing it to expand its area of operation and conquer customers in new regions.


                VoIP also allows for a gradual expansion of the infrastructure in line with the growth of customer service operations.

                With this, the company can better control expenses and invest at the right time to meet the need for scalability to expand the capacity of its support service.

                Technology and efficiency in business communication
                Technology has changed the way we communicate and business communication is no different. Mastering what VoIP is is one of the ways to make your communication system more efficient and cheaper.

                To be successful with any strategy involving technology and the internet, it is important to have a structure that supports this construction.

                In the case of VoIP, it is necessary to have an efficient and stable internet service, as all communication is carried out over the network.

                It is also important to think about energy efficiency to maintain electricity even in cases of power outages. Generators are key parts in this case or even investment in alternative energy sources such as solar energy.

                Just like VoIP, chatbots also optimize the relationship between companies and customers, making service more effective and faster, solving customer demands immediately after the call.

                In addition to service and support, chatbots in companies can also be used for areas such as marketing and sales.

                Similar to VoIP, chatbots also make use of applications that are already common in people’s daily lives, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

                However, the chatbot does not replace VoIP or the other way around. Both are communication systems, but they have different objectives for the communication of a company.